Saturday, September 17, 2011

Still Pregnant!

33 weeks! This picture makes me look huge. I really didn't think I was that big... Also, I forgot to smile and look at the camera, but didn't want to do it again when I realized, so deal with it. ;)

Well, we're at 33 weeks and still pregnant! Everything's going very well. Louise moves enough that it actually hurts sometimes now. And sleeping is getting a little uncomfortable mostly because of my hips. The muscles hurt so bad that it wakes me up every time I move. I told my doctor about it at my appointment the other day and he suggested I try a chiropractor, so I went yesterday and he adjusted my back and neck. I have no idea how that made my hips better, but it did. I went to Walmart after and noticed I was walking normally with minimal pain. I have weird hip issues anyway (super loose joints), so you add the pregnancy hormone that relaxes all of your joints and my hips and shoulders have given me a lot of trouble with this pregnancy. They feel like they're going to fall out of joint all the time. Oh well. It's almost over.

We had the baby shower last weekend and it was wonderful. So many people came. I was shocked and so grateful. We now have everything we need to start a family. Well, except the baby...but I'm working on that.

We've decided to sell both of our cars and get a newer, more reliable one. Preferably a Toyota Corolla or Honda Civic. Since we're going to be going somewhere away from family to grad school I wanted to have a car that wouldn't break down every month, not that ours do now, but they're old enough that they probably will start to in the next 6 years. We also decided to get a motorcycle for Justin. He's going to pick it up Monday. He's not excited or anything. Not at all. He's just wanted one since he was 12, that's all. It's a Kawasaki Vulcan 750 or something like that. It does have a seat for me, though, so that'll be fun. Now we just have to get the gear: insurance, LIFE insurance to guarantee we won't have to use it, a good jacket, a helmet, I don't even know what else you need...I'm excited for him. :)


  1. How exciting:) and ya husbands never ever get excited about motorcycles ha ha

  2. Yeah! 33 weeks! You're getting safer all the time. I'm sorry about your hips. Mine did the same thing. With Weston, I remember I could barely walk there at the end, it hurt soooo bad. Good luck, it sounds like we share some genes, and you may have gotten that even worse than me.

  3. My hips did the same thing. I would roll them around while sitting on one of those huge blue exercise balls. It helped a lot! Hang in there, you are almost there!!! Ps you look stunning!

  4. You make pregnancy sound so fabulous... So exciting... :P You don't look like you're in too much pain though, you looked WONDERFUL at your baby shower! Now I know what they mean by the "pregnancy glow." ;) Have fun with Justin's new toy!
