Friday, September 30, 2011

5 more weeks to D Day!

We are so close to having a baby, it's crazy. I'm so excited and ready to be done. :) Not that I haven't loved being pregnant. I'd just like to walk/look/feel/think like a normal person again. I've noticed a few things in the past few weeks that I think are noteworthy.
First, for some unfathomable reason I continue to wear white shirts, regardless of the fact that EVERY time I wear one I spill or get something on the front. Every time. Often I don't even notice or know how it got there. Why do I still wear them?
Second (and this illustrates how lazy I've gotten), I mentioned to Justin the other day my theory that when you're pregnant there is some magnetic pull to everything that makes it end up on the ground one way or another. He looked and me a little strangely and said "well it's not magnetic..." I then realized how stupid that had sounded. Duh. But seriously, I think that gravity increases or something, causing you to drop everything or knock everything down. I've gotten to the point where when I drop something, if I don't need it right at that moment, I just leave it on the ground figuring someone will pick it up eventually. Horrible, I know.
Third, you get winded from the stupidest things. Like doing your hair. Or trying to get comfortable in bed. Or standing up to do your makeup. Or getting in the car. It's ridiculous.
Fourth, and this one may not apply to everyone, I find some of her movements and kicks nauseating. The thought of it. The feel of her little elbows scraping along the inside of my stomach or the sight of my stomach doing flip flops without my consent. After a moment when I remember what it is it's fine, but for that split second when all I know is that my stomach is doing things that are completely unnatural and not controlled by me, I want to throw up. I know this sounds terrible, and I really do love Louise and I love being pregnant with her and carrying her and everything. It's just a little foreign and my brain is having a bit of a hard time with it.
Fifth, I think the curl in my hair is gone. I'm very sad about this. It used to be so easy to do. In high school and college my hair took me about 2 minutes to do. Is it normal for your hair to change during pregnancy? Any chance it'll change back after? I guess it could just be that it's too short (my curls were always big), but even then, you'd think there'd at least be a little wave in it. :( Sad day.
I've not been overly emotional with this pregnancy, but then I'm not really overly emotional ever. But I do have moments when I just start to cry for no reason. It only happens maybe once a month, but I always feel pretty stupid. Also, I haven't really had any real food cravings or aversions. Except hamburger and some spice that is in a lot of Italian foods and Papa Murphy's pizzas, but I had that one even before I was pregnant.
Well, I think that's about all for this week. We'll keep you posted. :)


  1. I have heard that hair can change during pregnancy. I haven't had any experience myself, so I can't say anything about whether or not it's permanent. White is supposed to be the best thing to spill on, right? Because you can just bleach it. Still, that does sound frustrating. 5 more weeks and we can see how cute little Louise really is. :) (If she waits that long.)

  2. Thank you so much for your comment on our "Bits of Everything" blog. We really appreciate it! Yes, we take requests and that is a great question! I'm working on it right now and will get it posted ASAP so stayed tuned..... :)

    Emily @

  3. Claire, I love you. I love reading your blog posts. They're my fave =)

  4. It is normal for hair to change.

    Gravity is very attracted to pregnant women, so I totally get what you were saying.

    I keep a folding chair in the bathroom during pregnancy and for awhile after due to the same problem.

    Love you. You are on the downhill slope, only a few more Sundays!

  5. So glad Louise is almost here. Love that name. And don't worry, I stalk your blog too. Love it.

  6. Not to burst your bubble on the hope to walk,look, or think normal ever again... but on my end it was only accentuated after the child came! Haha! You walk slower bc you're still carrying the child only you don't have use of your hands. I won't talk about my looks or the thinking department;) But I will say that it does feel better than ever to have that little one out to play with! I'm so excited for you and have been thinking about you recently:)
